Chris Sanders Law PLLC

Who is Entitled to Overtime Pay?

When the U.S. government first began tracking working conditions in the nation in 1890, it found that the workweek in manufacturing averaged a whopping 100 hours.

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Chris Sanders Law PLLC

The Importance of a Workplace Sexual Harassment Policy

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency that polices and enforces anti-discrimination and anti-harassment laws, between Fiscal Year 2018 and Fiscal Year 2021, there were 98,411 charges of workplace harassment filed, with 27,291 of them being for sexual harassment.

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Chris Sanders Law PLLC 

The Importance of Unions & the Role of an Employment Lawyer

More than a century ago, a fire in a garment factory in New York City galvanized the labor union movement. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory employed some 500 women, many of them immigrants and some as young as 15, who worked 13-hour shifts with just 30 minutes for lunch, for $6 a week.

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Chris Sanders Law PLLC

Sexually Harassed by a Client But Employer Won’t Take Action

When the term sexual harassment in the workplace is mentioned, most people probably imagine that it entails a supervisor trying to take advantage of an employee, or a coworker “hitting on” another coworker for sexual favors. While these scenarios do happen, there are times when sexual harassment comes from other places. It’s possible you, a friend, or coworkers wonder what steps can be taken if the sexual harassment comes from a client, a vendor, or a customer. Do the same laws still apply?

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Chris Sanders Law PLLC

The Role of Lawyers in Changing the Law

Laws at both the federal and state level aim to protect employees at work from wrongful acts, including discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, retaliation, and many other abuses that, despite legislative efforts, seem to persist in workplaces across the nation.

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Chris Sanders

A "Bonus" Is No Substitute for Legally-Required Overtime Pay

You won't believe this one. Some people were working in construction. The company didn't pay them overtime. Instead, it paid bonuses. A bonus, a flat amount every two weeks, instead of time and a half. The same amount each and every two weeks no matter how many hours worked.

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Chris Sanders

How Chris Sanders Law PLLC is Ready to Help

I'm an activist who uses legal knowledge and experience to help others advance social justice issues in Louisville, in Kentucky, and really anywhere in the United States. I am active in law, labor, faith, and politics, and I got my start working with and for labor unions. I have been on the side of the working class ever since.

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Chris Sanders

Chris Sanders: Project Manager of Kerner Commission 2.0

In 1968, the Kerner Commission report became a nationwide bestseller, which predicted that "Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white — separate and unequal." Kerner Commission 2.0 picks up where the first commission left off, with education-centric solutions to our most intractable problems.

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